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MUSIC's also a way...

   ... to the 'Anglosphere' :o)
8 septembre 2010 3 08 /09 /septembre /2010 20:32

US Route 66

First, click on the photo to get a short Wikipedia (simple English) article

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e8/Route_66_road_signal.JPG/120px-Route_66_road_signal.JPG                                                                 (1)

Here is >>>  a French radio programme about the Road 66 :

a Geography Professor (Olivier Archambeau - Parix VIII) went there

with two of his students, and made a kind of "geophotographic" tour.

The programme ("Planète Terre") podcast (about 30') shares their voyage and their feelings.

This trip is part of a worldwide project : making an iconographic account of the landscapes and human activities that border the great historic routes in the world.

Today, the audio podcast file's in French... I hope you'll enjoy it !


(1) = Photo under CC BY-SA license, by Fabio Pozzato

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