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MUSIC's also a way...

   ... to the 'Anglosphere' :o)
27 octobre 2011 4 27 /10 /octobre /2011 14:52

Food and cooking are part of a country's culture -it can even get artistic !

From today on, they deserve a specific category on this weblog...

Let's start with a recipe I found on VIDEOJUG open th page below :


Hallowe'en usually gets us to carve those poor pumpkins, again and again... why not have them baked instead ?!

Pumpkins represent the autumn (= US fall) season and harvest time, especially Hallowe'en. it just  got out of the oven and smells terrific   We can testify it's good too, but you should wait a little longer... for I've burnt my tongue ! 


If you're not used to cooking / using the oven, you must ask your parents for help...

  New words or phrases :

note them down in your LEXIS recaps for you to start learning them.


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17 mars 2011 4 17 /03 /mars /2011 15:00

Some of these Irish recipes from the 'Emerald Isle' are part of Saint Patrick's Day worldwide celebrations :

                                Copy_of_shamrockMap_306X172.jpg  <<<  from the BBC website

Celebrate St Patrick's day too with Irish_stew.jpg  traditional beef stew ,

 Soda_bread.jpg  soda bread

and  Chocolate_Cheesecake.JPG  Baileys and chocolate cheesecake ... along with

twelve other St Patrick's recipes !

Yummy !  


Photos :

Irish stew : by Charles Haynes (Flickr) CC-BY-SA-2.0  soda bread : by Heather "Moria", CC-BY-SA-2.0  cheesecake : by Silar  CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0


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1 mars 2011 2 01 /03 /mars /2011 16:25

Can you prepare Welsh Rarebit ?

... quite easy to cook, eh ? Yum-yum... now you are ready to try the Welsh recipe !


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