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MUSIC's also a way...

   ... to the 'Anglosphere' :o)
25 novembre 2020 3 25 /11 /novembre /2020 08:35

MacMillan's Wheel of irregular verbs [update]

Mémoriser le simple present (3e pers. du sing.) et le preterite des verbes irréguliers les plus courants en jouant en groupe ou en t'entraînant individuellement... et devenir imbattable !!

Clique sur l'illustration

Règles : le 'Maître de la Roue' choisit un verbe: chacun/chaque équipe sur un papier,  écrit son prétérit. Après 4 verbes, le Maître  clique successivement sur les verbes pour faire apparaître leur prétérit et attribue 1 point aux joueurs (1 verbe correct = 1 point).

Au bout de 20 verbes, chacun totalise ses points : gagne le joueur/l'équipe qui connaît le plus de formes correctes.

+ Si les joueurs sont nombreux, constituez des équipes.

+ Cycle 4 : les joueurs les plus avancés (ou simplement les plus curieux) peuvent également s'entraîner sur le participe passé (qui avec la forme V-ing, apparaît aussi).

And now it's your turn !

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25 septembre 2018 2 25 /09 /septembre /2018 17:26

Hey ! It's pretty cold outside, so why not take a seat, have a warm cup of 'whatevever-you-please' (it'll be hot chocolate for me ! 😋 ) and... listen to this special tale !  :o)

L'acteur Christopher Walken, invité sur un plateau télévisé, revisite la fable des "Trois petits cochons".

The actor is reading an abridged version of "The three little pigs", making it hilarious.



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21 septembre 2018 5 21 /09 /septembre /2018 19:07
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3 février 2018 6 03 /02 /février /2018 10:51

The video-sketch (below) is the first from a series of 30 worldwide famous art pieces revisited on French/German 'arte' programme "A Musée vous, A Musée moi" [French VO].

"The problem we all live with" (painted in1963 by Norman Rockwell) evokes Ruby Bridges, the first black American to enter a white school... she needed to be escorted by guards to access school safely !


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28 novembre 2017 2 28 /11 /novembre /2017 15:59
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24 décembre 2016 6 24 /12 /décembre /2016 08:43

Calvin's Christmas

from "Calvin & Hobbes" by Bill Watterson

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20 avril 2014 7 20 /04 /avril /2014 14:43



Picture the scene : where's the dog ? Describe the place as you are figuring it out, then explain how come the dog's there -and how the hell has this egg come on its nose ?!

What about the dog owner ? Imagine what's on the dog's mind in detail, then tell what happens next. Your whole text might well build a short story.

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19 mars 2014 3 19 /03 /mars /2014 23:03

This flowchart's quite funny, and it's also useful to practise modal auxiliaries (If you like furry tails, you must / you should / you could / you can't...), negative forms (People who can't stand cold blooded animals will not / are not going to /...) -and specific vocabulary too : you can revise and improve it by finding other animals in the same category/species as the ones pictured on the illustration.

Last, but not least, more advanced learners may train their writing skills...

Caldwell Tanner's flowchart pretends (1) dogs are "companions", while cats (or rabbits, hamsters...) are "roommates you have to feed" : do you agree with him ? Why (not) ? Explain your answer and illustrate it with examples :o)

(1)  Beware, "pretend" is a false friend to French learners -check it !

Flowchart created by Caldwell Tanner (currently head illustrator for  collegehumor.com website)

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9 mars 2014 7 09 /03 /mars /2014 16:40

The video displays places and events we currently consider typically British : hence a series of corresponding sounds, such as tea pouring from a tea pot  :o)

"What would be your perfect day in Great Britain ? Where would you go ? And what would you do ? Who would you meet ? And what would you eat ?" You can create "your day exactly as you'd want it" on the "Sounds of Britain" interactive version.
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24 janvier 2012 2 24 /01 /janvier /2012 18:31



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