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MUSIC's also a way...

   ... to the 'Anglosphere' :o)
3 février 2014 1 03 /02 /février /2014 14:35

Many of you may get anxious when performing a presentation : here is a slideshow that displays a few tips which are helping you to get more confident :

You'll see they're quite handy and may easily be used : have a try ! :o)
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28 novembre 2012 3 28 /11 /novembre /2012 10:14


... (or "powerpoints" as you often call them) are not so easy to make. As for technique, you can use your computer, all right. As for texts and images, you can write your text, insert illustrations and vary the way you present them... all right.

But how can you make your slideshows effective ?

A little help to understand Don McMillan's fast speech :

same video, with its French subtitles.


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8 février 2012 3 08 /02 /février /2012 23:46


Here is a recap sheet  to help you check your book cover : 


If you'd like me to help you proofread your book cover, you can still send it to me by Wednesday, February 15, 2012. I'll send it back with some help for you to correct your mistakes -if any ! Eventually, you'll be ready to present your book cover at the end of your Winter holidays :-)

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18 octobre 2011 2 18 /10 /octobre /2011 19:19

Here is a RECAP to help you...

... describe and analyse a visual document : a photo, a painting, a drawing, a cartoon, a still, and so on...

Click on the PDF logo to get the RECAP sheet


Click on the apple to get the cartoons you started studying today

You will need a password : it's the number of the classroom you were in this afternoon !


  And now... practise !

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16 octobre 2011 7 16 /10 /octobre /2011 23:05



How to write a DIALOGUE 

The students who aim at writing a dialogue may find some help in the RECAP sheet I've just put online : 

click   on the PDF logo...

 ... and brush up the main rules you need to bear in mind when you write dialogues in English. This RECAP SHEET will also provide you with useful vocabulary to improve your writing task (introductory verbs, adverbs, etc...).

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13 octobre 2010 3 13 /10 /octobre /2010 17:39

This recap sheet helps you

remember the basic rules as for writing letters

http://www.clker.com/cliparts/3/b/0/d/12247844751816776100wsnaccad_feather-pen.svg.thumb.pngYou'll find here  a model for formal letters,

and two tables including various formulas

for both informal letters and formal letters.







Thanks indeed to Ms Fernandes, who created the document I adapted :o)

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23 juillet 2010 5 23 /07 /juillet /2010 20:04

In the article   "English VOCABULARY : practise with pictures & fun"  I told you about a website that helps you improve your lexis... and maybe you've already started practising !


Here are a few explanations about 'Match up 1' and 'Match up 2' instructions, because... there aren't any clear instructions, actually  


Match up 1

You can see a list of words ; next to these words is the logo of a computer speaker... a bit like this one (but smaller !!) :


At the bottom of the page, you can see a series of speaker logos : if you click on one of these logos, you will hear one of the words (in the list).

Then, you can match it with the corresponding word : drag and drop the speaker logo of the pronounced word... onto the speaker logo of the corresponding word -in the list.

When you've finished, you just need to click on 'complete' to check your results.


Match up 2

Here is a series of illustrations, with a blank  beneath them ; at the bottom of the page, you have the series of words corresponding to the illustrations.

You just need to complete the blanks by slipping the words into the blankds : drag and drop them beneath the pictures !

As usual, conclude the exercise by clicking on 'complete' to check your answers...


I hope I've been plain enough : don't bother to send  a comment if you need extra-help (in case it should work properly, I'd be glad to get your comments too )


a series / many series : the word "series" always bear an 's'

drag and drop = glisser-déposer (un élément, d'un endroit de l'écran à l'autre)

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18 mai 2010 2 18 /05 /mai /2010 20:47

Schoolwork... personal interest...

mere curiosity ?

Not only can you use search engines like Altavista, Yahoo, Google and many others... but you can also use online encyclopedia. Here are a few sites I've chosen for you  -all you need is click on their logos :


http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:PUT8fqNfQj0hWM:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/tr/5/5c/Britannica_logo.png              http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/meta/2/2a/Nohat-logo-nowords-bgwhite-200px.jpg   

   Encyclopedia                           Wikipedia   




http://farm1.static.flickr.com/132/337958790_ab602cb73e.jpg    the onlinesciencedictionary

         Encyclozine   (1)                        

     a science encyclopedia                                     


(1) : Picture credits : the NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

mere = simple

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2 avril 2010 5 02 /04 /avril /2010 22:17


On Wednesday I told you about the difference between adjectives ending in -ed and adjectives ending in -ing.

As for vocabulary, there are different ways of learning new words or phrases.

For example, you can "organise" them visually, and classify them like a sort of word web  (it is also named a 'mind map').

Sometimes I draw some in class, on the board, while brainstorming vocabulary  with you :o)


  Click on the ^^^ puzzle

to get an example.

Watch the mind map I've just made with words and phrases

derived from the word 'puzzle'  :o)

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28 mars 2010 7 28 /03 /mars /2010 21:44
Here's a video on film reviews writing academic rules :
it aims at completing your "Film reviewing emergency kit"  ;o)

The subtitled video might be of some help : you can find it on the internet (youtube channel)
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